Food for Thought
05 Dec 2017
When you walk into any supermarket worth its salt, you start to notice many things about the layout that seem to be shared across all supermarkets. Produce is near the front often next to flowers, candy and other sugary things...
Software Engineering
Design Patters
Gang of Four
With Great Power...
30 Nov 2017
Ethics Reflection Ethics is the code that we all hold ourselves to when we decide if something is right, wrong, or somewhere in between. It usually applies to how we affect other people, places, or things. Other nouns, I suppose....
Software Engineering
Autonomous Driving
No Standard Deviation
21 Sep 2017
Imagine a highway that has everything you’d expect from a highway. The only thing is, the lights last different amounts of time every cycle, the dashed lines that separate lanes have different lengths, and only half the people use their...
Software Engineering
coding style
coding standards
Being a Master Inquisitor
07 Sep 2017
Sometimes, how one asks for something is much more important than what is being asked for. Asking the right questions in the right way and in the right context can make all the difference in the answer it may or...
Software Engineering
Javascript: A Necessary Nuisance
31 Aug 2017
Javascript is a programming language that is necessary for the state of the internet as it is today, even if I’m not the biggest fan of it. I understand its importance, and I even concede that many of my problems...
Software Engineering